Throat Chakra
What is the Throat Chakra
Located at the base of the throat is, you’ve guessed it, centered around communication. As well as this it is known for expression, body language and inspiration.
What happens when your Throat Chakra is blocked or unbalanced
A blocked or unbalanced Throat chakra can lead to difficulty communicating how you feel or expressing yourself.
Good ways to help unblock or rebalance, firstly light your Throat Chakra crystal candle and practice – mindfulness meditation, a healthy balanced diet, manta chanting and Reiki 😊
The best crystals for the Throat Chakra
Blue stones are associated with the Throat Chakra, here are a couple of our favourites:
- Aquamarine
- Blue Calcite
- Blue Lace Agate
- Angelite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sodalite
Essential oils for balancing the Throat Chakra
- Peppermint
- Sandalwood
- Basil
- Bergamot
- Chamomile
- Juniper
Chakra Crystal candle: Throat Chakra
We have created a Chakra crystal candle set - 7 different Crystals with 7 different scent blends - all uniquely different to enhance and energies each individual Chakra. The third of our new edition collection is the Throat Chakra candle. A combination of Blue Calcite and Peppermint is used to help rebalance and energise the Throat Chakra.